Saving Pets
One at a Time

PLEASE NOTE: the initial response to the completed application will be by email from a SPOT Volunteer.
Cat Surrender
**Please note that space is very limted for cats and kittens but we will do our best to help as many as we can!**
Please be as thorough as possible when completing your cat surrender form. If the cat is a stray or a found animal, please provide as much detail as possible. The information you provide will help us match your cat with the appropriate new home. Please be honest in your answers because this will help us determine if there is a suitable foster home available. If you have veterinary records available, please provide these at the time of surrender. S.P.O.T. currently has a 2-3 week wait list for cat surrenders. Exceptions can be made in emergency situations if space becomes available. If you submit a surrender form, please continue to follow up with us to check the status of your request.
Thank you!