Saving Pets
One at a Time
SPOT wants to give a big THANK YOU to Anna Hansen for sharing her 11th birthday with SPOT! Instead of gifts, she asked her friends to bring items for dogs & cats in rescue.
She also collected an $85 cash donation for food! Anna is a student at Bay View Elementary & went to the state fair in the fall with her 9 year old rescued Australian Shepherd as a member of the Four-On The-Floor 4-H group.
Thank you, Anna and friends for your kindness & generosity. The cats & dogs in SPOT'S care are fortunate to have such caring young people in our community!
Each year Washington Elementary School in Mt Vernon, WA does a Pennies for Pets drive. The kinder classes make us some Pet Care Booklets to give out to adopters, adorable!
This year the goal was to exceed last year's donation and they made it!
Two SPOT volunteers carried a litter of pups in to say hello to students during the presentation of the donation check!
This was a B I G check! Great work Washington Wolves! $788.69
Everyone at SPOT gives you a big