Saving Pets
One at a Time

SPOT is an all-volunteer organization providing the Skagit Valley and surrounding areas with an alternative method of caring for and adopting out companion animals. We strive to provide an alternative adoption option without the risk of euthanizing healthy, adoptable pets. We are able to do this through our Volunteers. The next few pages are our Volunteerism Project Galleries for the last few years. We are always looking for new volunteers. Please join in the fun and become a volunteer. Please print, fill out the Volunteer Form, and return it to us by email at spotwa@savingpetsoneatatime.org
Ways to Volunteer (Click here for more info: Ways to Help)
-- Event Coordinator
-- Pet Fostering
-- MACC Volunteers
-- Educational Visits
-- Fundraising
-- Administrative Tasks
Our address is:
830 S. Spruce Street
PO Box 211
Burlington, WA 98233
Phone 360.336.5388

SPOT Thanks You
Dogs are sweet
Cats are great
But SPOT volunteers
Really take the cake
Without your funds,
Time, energy and love
No help would pets have
In finding a home
Hungry and scared
Homeless and cold
They just need a home to call their own
With your support
So much can be done
So thank you from SPOT
And all the animals from the past, present And those to come
A poem by Sandy Skrabut