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The information you provide on this form will help us match your dog with an appropriate new home. Please be honest in your answers. S.P.O.T. accepts dogs based on space available and temperament assessment. Available space may delay response to this application for 2 to 3 weeks

Black Dog


Please be as thorough as possible when completing your cat surrender form. If the cat is a stray or a found animal, please provide as much detail as possible. The information you provide will help us match your cat with the appropriate new home. Please be honest in your answers because this will help us determine if there is a suitable foster home available. If you have veterinary records available, please provide these at the time of surrender. S.P.O.T. currently has a 2-3 week wait list for cat surrenders. 

Black and White Kitten
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Saving Pets One at a Time   S.P.O.T.  830 South Spruce Street

Burlington, WA 98233

Our mailing address: 

PO Box 211, Burlington, WA 98233

Phone: 360.336.5388   

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S.P.O.T. is a Non-Profit, 501(c)3 charitable organization (ID: 91-2008766).

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